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Martin Buber (1878-1965)

Œuvres (en)

  1. Good And Evil. Two Interpretations - Right And Wrong - Images Of Good And Evil, Scribner's Sons, 1952-1953,
  2. The Writings Of Martin Buber, Selected, Edited, Introduced by Will Herberg, World Publishing Company, Cleveland, Ohio, 1956,
  3. Pointing The Way. Collected Essays, Harper and Brothers, New York,1957,
  4. Two Types Of Faith, Harper and Brothers, New York, 1961,
  5. On intersubjectivity and cultural creativity, University of Chicago Press, 1992 (extraits),
  6. The Legend of the Baal-Shem, Princeton University Press, 1995 (extraits),
  7. Paths in Utopia, Syracuse University Press, 1996 (extraits),
  8. The letters of Martin Buber. A life of dialogue, Syracuse University Press, 1996 (extraits),
  9. I and Tao. Martin Buber's encounter with Chuang Tzu, SUNY Press, 1996 (extraits),
  10. The Martin Buber-Carl Rogers dialogue. A new transcript with commentary, SUNY Press, 1997 (extraits),
  11. On Zion. The history of an idea, Syracuse University Press, 1997 (extraits),
  12. Israel and the world. Essays in a time of crisis, Syracuse University Press, 1997 (extraits),
  13. Gog and Magog, Syracuse University Press, 1999 (extraits),
  14. The first Buber. Youthful Zionist writings of Martin Buber, Syracuse University Press, 1999 (extraits),
  15. Martin Buber on psychology and psychotherapy. Essays, letters, and dialogue, Syracuse University Press, 1999 (extraits),
  16. On the Bible. Eighteen studies, Syracuse University Press, 2000 (extraits),
  17. The Martin Buber reader. Essential writings, Palgrave Macmillan, 2002 (extraits),
  18. Between Man and Man, Routledge, 2002 (extraits),
  19. A land of two peoples. Martin Buberon Jews and Arabs, University of Chicago Press, 2005 (extraits).


  1. Maurice S. Friedman : Martin Buber. The Life Of Dialogue, The University of Chicago Press, Chicago, Illinois, 1956 | Martin Buber's life and work, Wayne State University Press, 1988 (extraits) | Martin Buber and the human sciences, SUNY Press, 1996 (extraits),
  2. Malcolm L. Diamond, Martin Buber. Jewish existentialist, Oxford University Press, 1960,
  3. David Dilling, Martin Buber on meaning in education, Lulu.com, 1974 (extraits),
  4. Lloyd Geering, The world of relation. An introduction to Martin Buber's I and Thou, Victoria University Press, 1983 (extraits),
  5. Donald L. Berry, Mutuality. The vision of Martin Buber, SUNY Press, 1985 (extraits),
  6. Sand Shlomo, Bilis Michel, « Martin Buber, Proudhon et la "vérité de demain" », Mil neuf cent, N°10, 1992, Proudhon, l'éternel retour, pp. 86-93 (fr),
  7. Donald J. Moore, Martin Buber. Prophet of religious secularism, Fordham Univ Press, 1996 (extraits),
  8. Stroumsa Guy G., « Buber as an Historian of Religion : Presence, not gnosis », Archives des sciences sociales des religions, N. 101, JANVIER MARS 1998, pp. 87-105,
  9. Dan Avnon, Martin Buber. The hidden dialogue, Rowman & Littlefield, 1998 (extraits),
  10. Paul R. Mendes-Flohr, Martin Buber. A contemporary perspective, Syracuse University Press, 2002 (extraits),
  11. James William Walters, Martin Buber & feminist ethics. The priority of the personal, Syracuse University Press, 2003 (extraits),
  12. Catherine-Marie Leroy, « Martin Buber, précurseur du personnalisme », Approche Centrée sur la Personne. Pratique et recherche, 1/2005 (n° 1), p. 67-72 (fr),
  13. Michael Zank (edited by), New perspectives on Martin Buber, Mohr Siebeck, 2006 (extraits),
  14. Dominique Bourel, « Martin Buber et la culture française », Bulletin du Centre de recherche français de Jérusalem, 18 | 2007 (fr),
  15. Israel Koren, The mystery of the earth. Mysticism and Hasidism in the thought of Martin Buber, BRILL, 2010 (extraits).