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Eric Voegelin (1901-1985)

Œuvres (en)

  1. From Enlightenment to Revolution, Duke University Press, 1982 (extraits),
  2. The new science of politics, University of Chicago Press, 1987(extraits),
  3. Hitler and the Germans, University of Missouri Press, 2003(extraits),
  4. Faith and political philosophy. The correspondence between Leo Strauss and Eric Voegelin, 1934-1964, University of Missouri Press, 2004 (extraits),
  5. Robert B. Heilman and Eric Voegelin. A friendship in letters, 1944-1984, University of Missouri Press, 2004 (extraits).

Collected Works (incomplet) :

  1. Race and state (Collected Works, vol. 2), University of Missouri Press, 1997 (extraits),
  2. The history of the race idea. From Ray to Carus (Collected Works, vol. 3), University of Missouri Press, 1998 (extraits),
  3. The authoritarian state. An essay on the problem of the Austrian State (Collected Works, vol. 4), University of Missouri Press, 1999 (extraits),
  4. Modernity without restraint (Collected Works, vol. 5),University of Missouri Press, 2000 (extraits),
  5. Anamnesis. On the theory of history and politics (Collected Works, vol. 6), University of Missouri Press, 2002 (extraits),
  6. Selected book reviews (Collectd Works, vol. 13), University of Missouri Press, 2001 (extraits),
  7. Order and History. The Ecumenic Age (Collected Works, vol. 17), University of Missouri Press, 2000 (extraits),
  8. Hellenism, Rome, and early Christianity (Collected Works, vol. 19), University of Missouri Press, 1997 (extraits),
  9. The Later Middle Ages (Collected Works, vol. 21), University of Missouri Press, 1998 (extraits),
  10. Religion and the rise of modernity (Collected Works, vol. 23), University of Missouri Press, 1998 (extraits),
  11. Revolution and the new science (Collected Works, vol. 24), University of Missouri Press, 1998 (extraits),
  12. History of political ideas. The new order and last orientation (Collected Works, vol. 25), University of Missouri Press, 1999 (extraits),
  13. Crisis and the apocalypse of man (Collected Works, vol. 26), University of Missouri Press, 1999 (extraits),
  14. The nature of the law and relatedlegal writings (Collected Works, vol. 27), University of Missouri Press, 1991 (extraits),
  15. What is history ? and other late unpublished writings (Collected Works, vol. 28), University of Missouri Press, 1990 (extraits),
  16. Selected correspondence, 1924-1949 (Collected Works, vol. 29), University of Missouri Press, 2009 (extraits),
  17. The theory of governance and othermiscellaneous papers, 1921- 1938 (Collected Works, vol. 32), University of Missouri Press, 2004 (extraits),
  18. The drama of humanity and other miscellaneous papers, 1939-1985 (Collected Works, vol. 33), University of Missouri Press, 2004 (extraits),
  19. Autobiographical reflections, (Collected Works, vol. 34), University of Missouri Press, 2006 (extraits).


  1. Thomas W. Heilke, Eric Voegelin. In quest of reality, Rowman & Littlefield, 1999 (extraits) (en),
  2. Barry Cooper, Eric Voegelin and the foundations of modern political science, University of Missouri Press, 1999 (extraits) (en),
  3. Bernard Reber, « Théorie politique et représentation. Une autre histoire du progrès », Raisons politiques, 4/2001 (no 4), p. 188-198,
  4. Jean-François Kervégan, « La crise de l'État comme forme juridique et la philosophie politique : Éric Voegelin et Carl Schmitt », in Crise et pensée de la crise en droit. Weimar, sa république et ses juristes, ENS Editions, 2002 (extraits),
  5. Hans Kelsen, A new science of politics. Hans Kelsen's reply to Eric Voegelin's New science of politics. A contribution to the critique of ideology, ontos verlag, 2004 (extraits) (en),
  6. Thierry Gontier, « Corps mystique et société politique chez Eric Voegelin », Noesis, N°12 | 2007,
  7. Jeffrey C. Herndon, Eric Voegelin and the problem of Christian political order, University of Missouri Press, 2007 (extraits) (en),
  8. Charles R. Embry, The philosopher and the story teller. Eric Voegelin and twentieth-century literature, University of Missouri Press, 2008 (extraits) (en),
  9. John J. Ranieri, Disturbing revelation. Leo Strauss, Eric Voegelin, and the Bible, University of Missouri Press, 2009 (extraits) (en).